Clinical Supervision
Are you in need of clinical supervision as you pursue your LPC, LPCC or LADC license in Minnesota?
Wade is a Minnesota Board of Behavioral Health & Therapy Approved Clinical Supervisor and board approved to provide supervision for those who are pursuing their Minnesota LPC, LPCC and LADC licenses.
“After years of traveling teaching psychiatrist, psychologists, and therapists, after owning a successful private practice and even an IOP start up, I feel like it’s the right time to share what I have learned about trauma treatment and the miracle like effects of Memory Reconsolidation.” -Wade
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Supervision with Wade

Qualify & Quantify
He has extensive experience supervising therapy cases involving children, adults, and families. Including, providing supervision for supervisees who have worked with individuals who have experienced a variety of stressors and mental health symptoms including depression, anxiety, abuse, struggles with relationships and difficulty managing anger. Moreover, Wade has years of experience as an instructor of Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) an eye-movement therapy used to treat severe PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, OCD, and RAD. Wade has facilitated close to a hundred trainings across the country and his favorite destination was Tripler Army Medical Center in Honolulu on the island of Oahu, HI. Wade is considered an expert in the science of Memory Reconsolidation using eye movements and continues to consult with several organizations whose specialty includes trauma. To date has facilitated more than 4000 ART sessions and has made modifications to the ART protocol over the years to fit the needs of treatment for a range of disorders.
For the Aspiring LADC
Wade is a person of Recovery and has an extensive background in 12 Step Facilitation, Motivational Interviewing, CBT as well as a wealth of knowledge on the Prams and Principals of both Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. His education from Hazelden Betty-Ford Graduate School of Addiction Counseling and years of clinical practice will prove to be of great value for any aspiring ADC! In addition to focus on case review, he encourages supervisees to consider “self - the therapist” issues and prioritizing their own self-care. Wade’s approach to treatment is wholistic care starting with the foundation of body work, diet, exercise as well as spiritual development.
Next Steps
Wade is available to meet with potential supervisees in person or over the phone prior to beginning supervision. This is a time to know each other and discuss our beliefs and values about therapy to ensure that a supervisory relationship would be beneficial. His supervision contract is created with input from her supervisees in order to ensure that all expectations are clear at the beginning of the supervisory relationship. As you evaluate your options for supervision, you may enjoy reading this blog post which addresses factors to consider when choosing a supervisor.